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Pall Mall Chadwick Street

Project Overview

Zerum provided planning support for an £86m residential-led scheme for 435 residential apartments, on behalf of Nextdom Property Limited. The site is made up of two parcels of land, currently accommodating surface car parking as well as a dilapidated building. The proposal involves demolishing the existing structures on the land and building a mixed-use development of two blocks of between six and ten storeys and six and seven storeys, providing apartments as well as commercial space.


  • The site is located in Pumpfields, an area to the north of Liverpool city centre, characterised by transition from low rise industrial and commercial uses to high density residential use.
  • Each block would include a mix of one, two and three bed properties, all of which would be NDSS compliant.
  • The scheme sought ‘inspiration and design’ precedents from the past in terms of its design. The proposed elevations have been inspired by the rich heritage of the site and industrial character of the area. Both blocks include strong plinths, arched windows and rectangular windows. Proposed materials include redbrick and dark bronze aluminium cladding in reference to the historic Waterloo station and railway line behind.
  • The aim of the scheme is to create a modern, high quality development that relates to, respects and responds to the character of the surrounding area whilst generating its own sense of place. The proposal represents a comprehensive opportunity to regenerate a large brownfield site and to present activity and built form to a long underused site.
  • The design intention is to reintroduce built form to the street edge and provide a complementary development to surrounding land uses and buildings in this area of transition. The building has been designed to maximise opportunities for activity on the ground floor and within the street scene.
  • The proposed residential accommodation will contribute towards a complementary mix of uses, in a highly accessible location. The apartments will contribute towards the mix of residential accommodation within a sustainable city centre location enabling people to live and work in close proximity.
  • Client: Nextdom Property Ltd
  • Location: Pall Mall/Chadwick Street, Liverpool
  • Sector: Residential - Led Mixed Use
  • Services: Planning

Key Facts



New Homes



Commercial Space



Roof Terraces

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